Mikavae™ VAE RDP for Joint Fillers

Gypsum joint fillers are generally used between gypsum boards in combination with paper strip as reinforcement to give a strong and even surface for further processing with paint, wall paper or finishing plaster. They are used for filling the joints between gypsum plasterboards or fiberboard. It is also used to smooth and fill irregularities and holes in the walls and ceilings. 

MikaVAE™ redispersible polymer powder provides excellent adhesions to the substrates and to paper enhancing the workability of gypsum-based compositions. Whether you need to ensure adhesion and cohesion or improve the workability properties, MikaVAE™ products range has been designed to help you meet all requirements. In addition, with the use of Mikavae™ product, increased lifetime and durability of gypsum-based joint fillers is guaranteed.

MikaVAE™ MK3520N

Recommended Grade

MK3520N for Joint Fillers


MikaVAE™ MK3510N

Recommended Grade

MK3510N for Joint Fillers


MikaVAE™ MK1620N

Recommended Grade

MK1620N for Joint Fillers


MikaVAE™ MK1610N

Recommended Grade

MK1610N for Joint Fillers


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